
Alex Stergiou

I am Assistant Professor at University of Twente's Data Management & Biometrics (DMB) group. My research focus is on video understanding tasks and model interpretability methods. Previously, I was a Postdoc at VUB and a Research Associate at the University of Bristol working with Dima Damen on video understanding. I obtained my PhD from Utrecht University where I was lucky to be supervised by Ronald Poppe and Remco C. Veltkamp. My thesis topic was on human action and interaction recognition in everyday social settings.


[09-2024]   I'll present LAVIB at NeurIPS 2024.
[09-2024]   Every Shot Counts led by Saptarshi Sinha was accepted in ACCV 2024.
[06-2024]   Public release of LAVIB: Large-scale Video Interpolation Benchmark.
[03-2024]   Our preprint on video repetition counting is now available here alongside code and model checkpoints.
[11-2023]   I'll be joining University of Twente as an Assistant Professor in February 2024.
[10-2023]   I'll present Holistic Representation Learning for Multi-Task Trajectory Anomaly Detection at WACV 2024.
[08-2023]   I am now a member of ELLIS .
[07-2023]   Leaping Into Memories: Space-Time Deep Feature Synthesis was accepted in ICCV 2023.
[02-2023]   I'll present Play It Back: Iterative Attention for Audio Recognition at ICASSP 2023.
[02-2023]   Our paper The Wisdom of Crowds: Temporal Progressive Attention for Early Action Prediction was accepted in CVPR 2023.


A full list can be found at my GoogleScholar.

Stergiou A., LAVIB: Large-scale Video Interpolation Benchmark
NeurIPS 2024
anom_detect anom_detect-active

Sinha S., Stergiou A., and Damen D., Every Shot Counts: Using Exemplars for Repetition Counting in Videos
ACCV 2024
anom_detect anom_detect-active

Stergiou A., De Weerdt B., and Deligiannis N., Holistic Representation Learning for Multi-Task Trajectory Anomaly Detection
WACV 2024
leaps leaps-active

Stergiou A., and Deligiannis N., Leaping Into Memories: Space-Time Deep Feature Synthesis
ICCV 2023
tempr tempr-active

Stergiou A., and Damen D., The Wisdom of Crowds: Temporal Progressive Attention for Early Action Prediction
CVPR 2023
playitback playitback-active

Stergiou A., and Damen D., Play It Back: Iterative Attention for Audio Recognition
mindseye mindseye-active

Stergiou A., and Poppe R., AdaPool: Exponential Adaptive Pooling for Information-Retaining Downsampling
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2023
mindseye mindseye-active

Stergiou A., The Mind's Eye: Visualizing Class Agnostic Features of CNNs,
ICIP 2021
mindseye mindseye-active

Stergiou A., Poppe R., and Kalliatakis G., Refining activation downsampling with SoftPool
ICCV 2021
mtconv mtconv_active

Stergiou A., and Poppe R., Multi-Temporal Convolutions for Human ActionRecognition in Videos
IJCNN 2021
learn2cycle srtg-active

Stergiou A., and Poppe R., Learn to cycle: Time-consistent feature discovery for action recognition
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2021
feature-pyramids human-human-active
Stergiou A., Kapidis G., Kalliatakis G., Chrysoulas C., Poppe R., and Veltkamp R.C., Class Feature Pyramids for Video Explanation
ICCVw 2019
saliency-tubes human-human-active
Stergiou A., Kapidis G., Kalliatakis G., Chrysoulas C., Veltkamp R.C., and Poppe R., Saliency Tubes: Visual Explanations for Spatio-Temporal Convolutions
ICIP 2019 (Oral)

Stergiou A., and Poppe R., Analyzing human-to-human interactions: a survey
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2019





thesis-static thesis-active

Stergiou A.G., Efficient Modelling Across Time of Human Actions and Interactions
Utrecht University 2021



Master students
Daan Dieperink (UT, 2024)
Ștefan Păun (UT, 2024)
Marjusa Elezi (VUB, 2023)


REDI (Masters) 2023-now
Course administrator
Deep Learning (Masters) 2023-2024
Course administrator
INFOMCV (Masters) 2018-2020
Guest Lecturer


Pattern Recognition

CVPR 2022-now
ECCV 2022-now
ICCV 2023-now
BMVC 2028,2023-now
WACV 2024-now
AAAI 2025-now

Outstanding Reviewer
ECCV 2022

© Alexandros Stergiou